BESLI journal purpose statement

Business, Economics, Sustainability, Leadership and Innovation (BESLI) publishes papers that augment the fundamental ways we understand, describe, model and integrate in an interdisciplinary fashion. The journal topics (business, economics, sustainability, leadership or innovation) are an explicit part of the journal’s purpose and the contents are interdisciplinary theoretical and empirical investigations. Essentially, BESLI is dedicated to applications of sustainability to business and economics through various forms of leadership and innovation. The broad mixture of the disciplines represented in BESLI creates a foundation for many bodies of knowledge that share common principles. BESLI juxtaposes developments in different sub-topics of business, economics, sustainability, leadership and innovation yet, casts a wide enough net to allow for multi-directional interdisciplinary discoveries that advance the science with original contributions and hopefully improve societies and the natural environment. In this way, scientific researchers may obtain fresh perspectives on common interdisciplinary principles and their respective disciplines.

Instructions for Authors

Call for Reviewers

If you are interested in reviewing manuscripts for the BESLI journal, the BESLI Publications Board would like to invite your participation. Manuscript reviewers are vital to the publications process. As a reviewer, you would gain valuable experience in publishing.

The Board is particularly interested in encouraging members of underrepresented groups to participate more in this process.

If you are interested in reviewing manuscripts, please write to Joseph Jacobsen at

To be selected as a reviewer, you must be willing to thoroughly familiarize yourself of the BESLI website as soon as available and associated documents such as the authors’ guidelines, manuscript template, call for papers and the BESLI purpose, as they become available.

Learn more about the review process here.

Please note the following important points:

The experience of publishing provides a reviewer with the basis for preparing a thorough, objective review. Previous publication experience as an author or reviewer with a scholarly, peer reviewed academic journal is highly preferred. A thorough understanding of the scientific method (preliminary matter, introduction, literature review, method, analysis, findings, discussion, future research and ending matter) and the American Psychological Association guiding principles for a scientific research paper is necessary.

It is critical to be a regular reader of empirical journals that are most central to the area or journal for which you would like to review and the subtopic expertise you represent. Current knowledge of recently published research in this space provides a reviewer with the knowledge base to evaluate a new submission within the context of existing research.

To select the appropriate reviewers for each manuscript, the editor needs detailed information. Please include your vita with your cover letter in English. In your letter, please identify which relative journal(s) you are familiar with and describe your area of research expertise. Be as specific as possible.

Reviewing a manuscript takes several hours. If you are selected to review a manuscript, be prepared to invest the necessary time to evaluate the manuscript thoroughly.

Human Subjects

For studies utilizing human participants, the treatment of human participants during the study should be in accordance with the ethical standards of the authors’ institutional review board or accepted professional standards of the authors’ countries of origin. It would be helpful if the authors would make such a statement in their cover letter and identify the standards that apply to the research embodied in the manuscript. If the authors in their cover letter identify no such ethical standard, the pertinent standards of the American Psychological Association, or National Institutes of Health (United States) will apply.

Proper treatment of human subjects will be a point of consideration during the manuscript review process. It is understood, furthermore, that the full burden of responsibility for ethical compliance is ultimately on the authors, not the Journal, its Editor, or Publisher.

2018: Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Cover
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2018 Issue: 1

The articles in this issue investigate what it means to be authentically Lutheran in the rapidly changing world of the twenty-first century, particularly as it relates to faithful articulation of doctrine and practice in higher education and congregational life.